Statement of Faith
* We believe that the Lord our God is One God, Creator of Heaven and earth, and Father of all mankind. God reveals Himself to us as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all united forming the Holy Trinity.
* We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified and died, taking upon Himself the penalty required for the sins of the world by the sacrifice of His death. Those who confess their sinful state, ask forgiveness from Jesus Christ receive the free gift of Salvation by faith alone. They will be saved from eternal destruction in a literal Hell. Those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of their life stand before our Heavenly Father clothed in the righteousness of His Son. Those who do not accept Salvation from Christ will one day experience the consequence of eternal judgement in Hell.
* We believe that after Christ’s death, He descended into Hell, conquered death and rose from the dead on the third day. After appearing to many, He ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of Father God continually interceding on our behalf. One day He will descend to earth again to establish His everlasting Kingdom and those who are His through the acceptance of His gift of Salvation will eternally be with Him.
* We believe that Jesus Christ continually ministers to His own through the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the personality of God the Father through the heart of Jesus Christ His Son. He sanctifies those who acknowledge and accept the forgiveness and salvation He gives based on grace alone, not on works.
We believe that the Holy Bible is the spoken word of God written by holy men of past ages as God moved them. The Bible, all 66 books, is the only inspired and infallible word of God. The Bible was written for our instruction in holy thinking, living and serving.
* We believe that the love of Christ and our obedience to Him is the only valid motivating factor for the actions of His church. Out of love, we obey the commission that our Lord gave us: To go into the whole world and preach the Gospel of peace and the coming day of our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior and King.